Friday, 17 September 2010

Action Beat Vs Shield Your Eyes Vs Stig Noise Vs The Patio Set

'This is going to be sick' read one punter’s preview and it was. Soph and I were rather happy with the lineup we got together for our latest instalment of Scene Not Herd. Not least because it had the finest DIY bands in the whole of the UK, it also contained the loudest. You can't comprehend loudness till you're watching 3 drummers and 6 guitarists slay the Macbeth in Old Street. Anyways we’ll get to that in a bit.

Openers The Patio Set have been holed away with Bear Driver recording their new record. Tonight was there first gig in aaages and they didn't disappoint. Opening with the downright creepy canon-esque basslines of Burn Slower, they played an energetic set of frenetic angular, yet tuneful, post punk. Their songs have tendency to build slowly, much like with Mogwai’s songs, then end triumphantly. This is best showcased on Empire, with the Arcade Fire-esque four part melody singing bringing the piece to a climax. Ending with the Shellac-influenced Highgate Owl Nightmare, The Patio Set capture the crowd with their knack of keeping the noise mongers and the melody makers simultaneously happy.

Unfortunately my time had come, and I begrudgingly made my way to the door, where my shift had arrived. Yes, by all means put on great nights, but be warned, someone’s got to do the door... or the the BBQ. Yes we had a BBQ. Sophie was wo-manning the BBQ and whilst the door is not the funnest thing in the world, at least I didn't smell of meat and smoke, because if I did, I would eat myself.

My duty on the door meant I missed noiseniks Stig Noise MMX. This proved to be a mighty shame as by all accounts they were amazing. I did catch one song and they were all set up on the bloody floor! Brutally loud driving basslines spliced by the dulcet trumpet reminded me of last months Scene Not Herdsters Drum Eyes, but think more menacing, like the soundtrack to the end of the world. I yearned to watch more but alas I couldn't get out of door duty that quickly and return to my post.

40 minutes later....

Yay back in the game, Shield Your Eyes are a unwieldy bunch. Tales of vodka injections aside, they come on to an expectant and thoroughly excited crowd. Much like The Patio Set, they balance melody and brashness perfectly. I witness some sexy crowd dancing and get lost in the three piece’s set. Reminiscent of the Oxes and Part Chimp, and the mathy side of metal, the crowd were very disappointed when I told them to cut their set. Cue a Guns and Roses Reading Festival moment.

So now to Action Beat. Yes, they take leaves from Lightning Bolt, Sonic Youth, Boredoms, as well as loudness lessons from My Bloody Valentine, however, I’m not going to go on about what they sound like. I’m just going to describe what I saw and how I felt. They set up three drummers on stage, as well as numerous amps all over the venue. The guitarists/bassists, which I believe numbered 5-6 were on the floor. They started playing and the riffs felt like hammers thwacking you full on the face. Every in-sync bass & kick feels like the fist of a giant punching you in the gut, and its marvellous. Everyone in The Macbeth celebrated and lapped up the music, even if was making their ears bleed. I temporarily went and stood in between the line of drummers and guitarist, and I am pretty sure I was in the eye of a storm; I felt like He Man when he had the power. Do not be mislead, this band are more about loudness and have tunes, but live, they are a complete force of nature.

Thursday, 16 September 2010


Yeah, so this wasn't what I wanted to post about tonight; but well I guess life works out like that sometimes, more to come tomorrow!

About a year and a half ago, before our first Scene Not Herd, we decided that we needed a banner (because obviously that is what all good nights are about). We were determined to make it ourselves and spent a day, maybe more, drawing, taping and spray painting it. We managed to super glue it to the floor and turn Alwin’s living room red; in fact the red haze lasted so long he was convinced there was a problem with his TV (months later he cleaned it and realised it was just paint – doh!). But yeah, point is this was a labour of love.

You can enjoy it’s first showing here, for our night with Peepholes, Internet Forever, Friendship and The Patio Set:

Then, amidst one of our more riotous nights, the banner fell down and went ‘missing’. It was like losing a child/limb; needless to say, there were little SNH tears. But we picked our forlorn selves up and made another banner, but, well IT.WAS.SHIT.

You can see it here (WARNING: MAY OFFEND – not the band, we love them, just the banner):

We quickly decided that it was a massive pile of crap and that we had to remake our original…so here are some photos of us doing just that:

Happy days!