Tuesday 29 June 2010

Best Glasto ever...

OK, so I was lucky enough to get some tickets for Glastonbury. It's safe to say, it was quite possibly the best thing I'd done in ages. Pimms, bands, extreme sun, massive open fields, sunrise by the stone circle and a bunch of hippies. I'm still smiling thinking about it, and I miss it dearly, which in all my years of attending festivals, I never thought I'd miss a festival.

The many highlights for me were undoubtedly Snoop Dogg, Holy Fuck, Stevie Wonder, Flaming Lips, Beach House, tUne YarDs and Rolf Harris (sorry). And this has to be the best opening to a set ever? AF

Saturday 26 June 2010

Paper Heart

Watched this very sweet film this week: the lead, Charlyne Yi, is an absolute super geek, which is awesome!

Charlyne and Michael Cera wrote all their own music for the soundtrack – very cool.This song is cute, check it:

Saturday 12 June 2010


Last night, to celebrate the end of the working week we went on a boat. We also watched a random folk/latin/harp extravaganza at the southbank centre. Then we headed to Angel for a burrito and a few drinks at the Lexington. A Grave with no Name played, as did Harlem; the bassist was super happy and had a cool Micky Mouse t-shirt. Check both bands out below...we love weekends!

Sunday 6 June 2010


SNH went to Hampstead Heath this weekend, it was RAD...